I find myself quite nostalgic at the end of the year, thinking back over the past year and looking to the year ahead. I truly believe one does not need to wait until the new year to make a change, but it is a good marker if you are thinking of making some changes. I've come up with some goals I plan to on pursuing over the next few months, year and probably well past that.

1. Practicing more self-love and positive body talk.
This is something I talk so much about with my personal training clients, and if I expect them to accept their bodies, shouldn't I as well? I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and although in some cases this helps me there are other circumstances where it hinders me. Everyone has a body part or parts they're not fond of, but that does not diminish our self worth. Therefore I am going to try my best to reframe those negative "not enough" thoughts into focusing on positives. I really think this is important for us women, we need to focus on how amazing and capable we are!

2. Nourishing my body better.
I eat pretty well most of the time, but there are times when I'm rushed between clients and I a) don't eat b) eat something "easy" but not necessarily healthy. Easy can be healthy, but you need to be prepared. When I don't nourish myself properly, I'm cranky, and end up being super bloated. Neither of which are a happy situation. So lots of fresh veg, simple snacks, smoothies and lean protein in my future.

3. Take more "downtime"
Another thing I'm bad at is rest days and downtime, I'm always go-go-go but your body needs time to recover. This is true whether you're working long hours or working out a lot, both cause breakdown on your body which needs rest to recover. Taking time off, actually take rest days between workouts and making sure you get enough sleep is crucial and a top priority for me in 2017.

4. Getting outdoors.
I'm actually pretty good at this one with the little pup and all, but to be more specific I want to run outside during the colder months. I usually wimp out when it gets to be below -15 but I really think it would do my body and mind such good to get a break and enjoy the fresh air for a run 1-2x a week.