1. More Muay Thai!
I have been doing muay thai consistently 2x a week this year, I'd like to add at least another day in consistently. I've definitely improved but I'd like to get even better, it's something that's ignited a passion in me over the last 2 years. It's without a doubt my favourite form of exercise, its mentally stimulating and helps me get out of my head.
Specifics: 3-4x a week.
Specifics: 3-4x a week.
2. Preventative Exercise
Ensure I stay injury free (or as much as I can!) in 2019. This means proper warm ups, cool downs and making sure I'm doing all my mobility work/foam rolling and really keeping in touch with what my body needs.
Specifics: A massage 1-2x per month is best for me!
Specifics: A massage 1-2x per month is best for me!
3. Work/Life Balance
I finally found some of this in 2018 and I would like to continue that into 2019! It took a long time for me to get to this place, and I really don't want to lose it. I work weird hours and I can very easily get burnt out from this; I'm pretty useless to my clients/family/friends when I'm in that that so ensuring I get enough down time is key.
Specifically one night a week for just me!
Specifically one night a week for just me!
4. Less Spending
Particularly on items I don't necessarily need, this last year with two shopping bans it was very eye opening! It wasn't as hard as I thought it might be (I mean it had some tough moments) and it's something I'm going to continue to do periodically in the next year.
Specifics: My latest ban ends Jan 15, but I'm creating a budget for spending for after that to stick to.
Specifics: My latest ban ends Jan 15, but I'm creating a budget for spending for after that to stick to.
5. Take Care of my Mental Health
I have been pretty good at this but it's something super important. It's also something people don't talk about enough! I struggled a lot this past summer, there was a death in the family and even before that I was feeling really down. My game plan for this year is to get a new psychologist and do some work, that way if I start feeling overwhelmed I have someone on hand already.
Specifics: 1x/month psychologist
Specifics: 1x/month psychologist
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