Since it's now a new year and everyone likes to go bananas and make resolutions that they end up failing on within the first 3 weeks, lets talk about goal setting! Having goals is great and wonderful but don't set yourself up for failure right from the start:

1. Keep It Simple 

If your goal is to work out, start with maybe 2x a week. Don't make your goal to hit the gym every day (which is not necessary unless you're training for something specific) Start small, something reasonable, attainable; besides when you hit that goal you feel so good and gain confidence in yourself and your ability to hit the next goal. Your goal doesn't have to be weight related, I re-wrote this because weight related goals can fuck with your mental health. Working out should make you feel good body and mind!

2. Check ins

Schedule a check in with your goals, the 1st of every month or every 6 weeks. Depends on what the goal is. If my goal is to be more positive, I'll do a check-in daily or even keep a journal. 

3. Don't Give Up 

Just because you fall off the wagon, or have a set back, DON'T QUIT. We all have bad days, but that doesn't mean we should just quit or stop what we're doing. A bad day doesn't negate all the hard work you're doing, besides it's really hard to create new habits! It takes time and patience. 

4. Accountability

Use a friend, a family member, a professional (a trainer, psychologist, nutritionist) someone who knows your goals and will help keep you on track. A paid professional is great because you're less likely to bail on the appointment!

5. Don't Overload

Not only is keeping your goals simple important, but not creating too many goals all at once. Choose a few different categories of your life (ex. fitness, mental health, spending etc) and create one simple goal in each. I have a few different goals in mind that are overarching and then specific to certain months etc.

 Now crush your goals in 2019!!