Ah the age old question: 

Should I do more Weight Lifting or Cardio?! 

Literally every single client asks about this (especially in terms of weightloss) and the answer is complicated...of course. 

Strength Training Benefits: 

-Builds lean muscle 
-Good for your bones (by doing loaded movement it causes your bones to create more osteoblasts, so it basically helps you build more bone density) 
-Chronic disease management (such as diabetes, lowers risk for certain types of cancer etc) 
-Helps manage weight, the more lean muscle mass on your the more calories you burn (even at rest!)
-Reduces stress, as long as adequate rest is in your program to allow the muscles to heal from training. 

Cardio Training Benefits: 

-Helps burn more calories, helps with weight loss
-Strengthens your heart as well as your lung capacity 
-Helps manage mood, can help alleviate anxiety and depression (in combination with other treatments depending on the severity) 
-Reduces stress (as long as you don't overtrain)

As we can see from the list above (which is only a sample of all the benefits of both) there is some overlap as well as benefits to both. SO as you may have already guessed a combination of both strength and cardiovasculer training is important to get you to feeling good, and being healthy overall. It depends on your specific goals which area you'll spend more time but it's also good to do a program that has a bit of both or cycles back and forth between a strength and endurance period.