Prep work is often times the most important and most often overlooked part of an exercise routine. Especially on a heavy lifting day it can be so tempting to just get in and get it down. But this can cause further issues down the line with injury, also, you can to ensure the right muscles are being engaged. For example during a pull up, you don't want your traps and neck doing all the work now do you?
This can be used as a great 10 minute prep for a heavy lift day or used on it's own as a recovery day.
 Foam roll: Lats, Midback, Pecs (not pictured)

1. Laying chest openers, 10x per side 2sets
Ensure knee is bent elevated at 90 degrees, ensure head is neutral (use a block). Opener arm as far as it will go keeping knee bent at 90.
2. Banded stretches
First one for the pec, let the rubber band pull your chest open and keep tension on the band as you push against it, push 10s relax 20s 3x per side
Second one for the lats/rotator cuff, hinge from the hips and allow band to pull arm out pull 10s relax 20s

 Engage: Floor Laying YTW's. Lay face down on the ground, ensure your feet remain planted as you are trying to engage the midback (mid traps, rhomboids). Hold at top position for 3 seconds relax down and repeat without hyperextending your neck. Do each position 8-10x
Banded pull aparts on foam roller: Ensure back is flat on the roller, head is supported. Hold the band straight in front of you, pull the band apart squeezing the shoulder blades together on roller.
1. Banded rotator cuff exercises: Keep elbow tight to body, extend band outside body without moving your torso. Slow and controlled movement. 10x per side 2 sets
 2. Single arm extension: Hold band straight out in front of body, squeezing shoulder blade back pull until it is in line with your body. Squeeze, hold and bring back to front center line of the body (so it lines up to belly button) 10x 2 sets
3. Hold two light plates (5 LB) in front of body, keep elbows bent, squeeze shoulders to bring arms in line with body. 10x 2 sets