Exercise is so important, we all know that. Time and time again we've had the benefits of exercise touted out to us, lot's of studies proving that we need more activity in our day. Vast majority of people sit all day, and aren't getting nearly enough movement in their daily lives. It's been shown even those of us exercising 60 minutes a day still aren't getting enough movement if the rest of the day is spent sedentary. So how do we fix that? Here are some tips to add in a bit more movement through your day:

1. Take the Stairs:
Any chance you can get, take the stairs instead of the elevator. When you go to take a pee break use a bathroom on a different floor, it won't take that much longer but it'll get you more steps and get the heart rate up a bit.

2. A Morning Stretch Routine:
15 minutes in the morning, just 15 minutes earlier to get a good stretch routine in. Get the blood flowing, open up the area's that are tight, you will absolutely feel more alert and your body will thank you.

3. Lunch time workouts:
Most people get at least an hour for lunch everyday, that means you can easily fit in 30-45 minutes of exercise during that time (gotta leave time to actually eat). This doesn't have to be high intensity so you're going back to work super sweaty, it can be something simple like a bike ride, a yoga class, a run or even doing a strength workout.

4. Make it a Group Thing:
Find some friends who are interested in the same thing you are and do it together. I love going rock climbing with friends, it feels like a social outing more than a workout and you're more likely to not bail if people are there. It's also been really fun to start doing kickboxing with some friends!!

5. Walk to Work:
If you can obviously, or bike, or even park a bit further away. I know we don't like doing that when it's -30, I get that but on those nicer days try it out! I love walking or biking to work in the spring/summer and fall months.

6. Get a Doggo:
They need their exercise or they go bananas, so you'll have to walk more! My guy loves the park so on nice days we try to go for at least one hour, he runs, I run, we walk a bunch and have a lot of fun. Besides being couped up indoors in the winter can be depressing, so it's nice to get outside!