If you're having a hard time getting deeper into your squat and reaching 90 degrees try to work on some of these movements and stretches. These will help loosen up tight hips, hamstrings, and adductors.
1. Supported deep squat
Hang onto the pole and sink into your hips, hold onto the pole lightly and try to relax into it. Hold it for a few minutes.
2. Unsupported deep squat
Use your arms to press your elbows into the knees, sink your hips low, keep the chest up and back flat. Go in and out of this position, try to hold for as long as you can. 3 sets
3. Hip openers
Knees are bent, push up onto your knees, and push your hips forward, sink back down. Repeat 10x and then switch which leg is in front.
4. Adductor stretch
Knee bent sink into the one hip keeping the other leg straight. Hold for 30s each side repeat 3 sets

5. Hip Flexor Stretch
One knee bent, push into that side, you should feel the stretch in the front of the hip hold 30s 3 sets
6. Frog stretch
Feet turned out, hips nice and wide sink back into your glutes hold 30s 3 sets
Many people ignore what could be a big problem in their body. Your hip flexors are a long set of muscles that attach from your spine onto your hip. This means that as a group the flex the body but also flex the leg. They are used in many movements for stabilising and for large powerful movements such as kicking. The fact is that these muscles can cause you quite a lot of problems, and you won’t even know it. The most common problem that they cause is a bad back, here we will talk about how and why this happens, and what you can do to relieve the problem.