All of these glute and hip stretches are amazing if you sit for a living, are an avid runner and even if you do a lot of lifting (squats, deadlifts etc).

1. Piriformis Wall Strecth

Place one foot on the wall, bring other leg across that leg and apply gentle pressure to it. You should feel this one in the left glute (as pictured). Perform and hold for 30s switch sides, 2x

 2. Hip Flexor stretch 

Place leg flat on bench or edge of couch, squeeze that glute and push forward into the hips. Hold 30s, 2x per. 

 3. Crossed Legs

As you can see here, this pose is tight for me & I have a hard time leveling out my legs, especially tighter on the right side. Hold pose 30seconds and switch which leg is in front and repeat. 

 4. Pigeon Pose 

My favourite!! Bring leg across in front of you, rest other leg straight down, sink into the hip and lay on forearms. Hold 30seconds per side 2x. 

5. S-Sit 

Legs make a sort of S, can hold here should feel a stretch in front of right hip (if positioned as photo) can also push into hips so you're up on your knees still in this position, squeeze glutes to feel a nice deep stretch. Switch sides after 30seconds 2x.