After a strength workout I will often add in some intensity as a "finisher" meant to really push myself or a client. It's a great way to get the heart rate up, burn more calories and can help you see more results with your strength workouts. It's a great way to add a metabolic component to your strength workouts, especially if you don't have time to add those in other days. Take about 10 minutes at the end of your workouts: 
1. Battle Rope jump Jacks 20s
2. 30 M sprint
3. 20 meter sled push
Rest for 3 minutes, perform 4-5x
**You can only choose one of these exercises to perform for 20s rest 60s and repeat 4-8x, it does not have to be a circuit. Or chose 2-3, again ensuring the work to rest ratio is 1:3
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