It's that time of the year where we're all feeling a little bit's cold, it's snowy and it's been grey a lot lately. After the high of Christmas, January and February are always a let down and tough to get through. Now there are lots of things that can help kick up your mood during these times but two of the best (I find) are exercise and getting some Vitamin D. Exercise releases feel-good endorphin's and it doesn't have to be high intensity. It has been scientifically proven that LOW & moderate intensity exercise can help reduce depression & anxiety symptoms, which can become even more accute in the winter months. Vitamin D also helps with these symptoms, so what better way to beat the winter blues than go out for a winter walk/run. Since Vitamin D is only absorbed through the skin you have to have some showing, perhaps not the best when it's -25 but take advantage of those warmer days and/or take a supplement.
Some tips for getting outside during the winter:
1. Set a fun playlist
2. Pick a loop/distance and set a time, this can change everytime you go or stay the same!
3. Start off slow, if you're not a winter runner start off walking
4. If you are into running it doesn't have to be high intensity 1 minute walk, 1 minute run. High intensity can actually make anxiety symptoms worse
5. Add some stairs in
6. Dress appropriately, you want to make this a pleasant experience not get frostbite!
7. Grab a friend, make it a social event or take your furry pal out too, they too can get the winter blues!
Hopefully this will leave you feeling great and like you can totally handle getting through the rest of winter!
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